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Wandbild NENN MICH NICHT STADT Kunstmuseum St.Gallen Lokremise
Kunstbunker Nürnberg
Gemüt mit Hinterhof, SOX Schaufenster, Berlin, 2014

Gemüt mit Hinterhof, SOX Schaufenster, Berlin, 2014

Gemüt mit Hinterhof, SOX Schaufenster (Detail), Berlin, 2014

Gemüt mit Hinterhof

„Gemüt mit Hinterhof“ („~Soul with a backyard“) deals with different impressive aesthetic effects based on postdigital handmade procedures. Light from behind supports the feeling of an huge public flat screen. Even though these surfaces seem to be done by luxury photoshop plugins here´s not one pixel involved. A few loose lines create a diary atmosphere with their prosaic poetry sound like: „Already after the third bite you got 3000 flight miles in your mouth.“ or „A person with my name gives me food, finally.“ In addition there are posted some little A4 poster on the window glass like placed there by someone else with basic open message intentions: „The silence between will and pill.“

SOX   Oranienstrasse 175    
Berlin 10999

Sox (formerly sox36) is a non-profit project for contemporary art, organized and curated by the artists Alexander Wagner and Benedikt Terwiel. It is an alternative showroom in public space, a vitrine on Oranienstrasse in Kreuzberg. This space is located on one of the liveliest shopping and night life streets in Berlin, facing a diverse 24 hour audience to each event or exhibition.

Gemüt mit Hinterhof, SOX Schaufenster (Aufkleber), Berlin, 2014

Gemüt mit Hinterhof, SOX Schaufenster (Detail), Berlin, 2014
Gemüt mit Hinterhof, SOX Schaufenster (Detail), Berlin, 2014
Gemüt mit Hinterhof, SOX Schaufenster (Aufkleber), Berlin, 2014






Edition für Malerei-Reader
"The Happy Fainting of Painting", 2014

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